Conference programme
The venue for all talks will be the St John's College.
Note that we will be at the back of College - in the Fisher Building - on Days 1 and 3, and at the front of College - in the Old Divinity School - for the middle day.
Day 1 (Thursday, 2 May 2019)
We will have an afternoon of talks by mostly Cambridge-based syntacticians, who will give presentations on aspects of their ongoing research on topics in comparative syntax. The afternoon will conclude with an invited presentation by Prof. Susanne Wurmbrand (Vienna), who is both a CamCoS 8 and the Cambridge Linguistics Forum invited speaker.
Schedule for Thursday, 2 May Palmerston Room, Fisher Building, St John's College
Time | Event |
13:00-13:30 |
Registration |
13:30–14:00 |
Peripheral significance: a new look at phase edges Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge, Stellenbosch and Western Cape) |
14:00–14:30 |
The syntactic structure of particle verbs Jim Baker (Cambridge) |
14:30–15:00 |
Domains and parameters Ian Roberts (Cambridge) |
15:00–15:30 | Refreshment break |
15:30–16:00 |
When dependent case is not enough Andras Barany (SOAS/Vienna) and Michelle Sheehan (ARU) |
16:00–16:30 |
Reflexes of finiteness in Romance: anchoring of tense and person Kim Groothuis (Cambridge) |
16:30-17:00 |
Refreshment break |
17:00-18:30 |
Joint Cambridge Linguistics Forum/CamCoS invited talk: Phases in cross-clausal A-dependencies Susanne Wurmbrand (Vienna)
7.30pm onwards: Conference dinner
[West Lodge and Maitland Room, Downing College]
Day 2 (Friday, 3 May 2019)
The slots in the main session will consist of 30-minute talks and 10 minutes for questions. The speed session will feature five shorter talks in 60 minutes.
Schedule for Friday, 3 May: Comparative syntax and Phases Old Divinity School, St John's College
Time | Event |
8:30-9:00 |
Registration |
9:00–9:40 |
Gender on n in Bantu DP structure: from root-derived nominals to locatives Zuzanna Fuchs (Harvard) and Jenneke van der Wal (Leiden) |
9:40–10:20 |
Towards a uniformly structural account of ergative case Matt Tyler (Yale) |
10:20–11:00 |
Have-participial constructions in West Germanic Joanna Wall (Utrecht and the Meertens Institute) |
11:00–11:30 |
Refreshment break |
11:20–12:20 |
Speed session 1. Pavel Rudnev (National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow) Dynamic phases, split ergativity and adposition agreement in Avar (ALTERNATE 1) 2. Caterina Bonan (Geneva) Northern Italian subject-clitic inversion in the theory of wh-to-Foc
A theory of Spell Out motivated by pseudo-ABA patterns of syncretism
4. Margaret Wang (Queen Mary University of London) Against HON as a grammatical category: typological considerations |
12:20–13:00 |
Differential Plural Marking in Romance: Determiners, clitics and phases Rita Manzini (Florence) |
13:00–14:00 | Lunch break |
14:00–14:40 |
Agreement splits in the C-T-Domain: The case of Jarawara gender agreement Christine Marquardt (Leipzig) |
14:40–15:20 |
The Left Edge Ban: a prosodic requirement governing stress patterns and word order Kenyon Branan (National University of Singapore) |
15:20–16:00 |
Violating the Coordinate Structure Constraint cross-linguistically Hiromune Oda (UConn) |
16:00–16:20 |
Refreshment break |
16:20–17:00 |
When low Foc0 is a phase head Edward Rubin (Utah) |
17:00–18:00 |
Invited speaker: Tonal reflexes of movement and locality Doreen Georgi (Potsdam) |
Day 3 (Saturday, 4 May 2019)
Today's talks will be a mix of 30-plus-10 peer-reviewed talks, and 45-plus-15 invited-speaker talks.
Schedule for Saturday, 4 May: The comparative syntax of phases Old Divinity School, St John's College
Time | Event |
9:00–10:00 |
Invited speaker: Phasing in parameters in a Chomsky-Hierarchy based theory of variation Ángel Gallego (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) |
10:00–10:40 |
From head to clause: A diachronic approach to was für as predication Melanie Hobich (Frankfurt) |
10:40–11:20 |
No Nominative Case without a Person feature in the DP phase label Ivona Kucerova (McMaster) |
11:20–11:40 |
Refreshment break |
11:40–12:20 |
MERGE + determinacy in phase theory: a comparative study of movement restrictions Nobu Goto (Tokyo) and Toru Ishii (Meiji) |
12:20–13:00 |
Dynamic phase boundaries and (overt) agreement domains Caterina Donati and Chris Reintges (Paris Diderot) |
13:00-14:30 |
Lunch break |
14:30–15:10 |
A’-agreement as a diagnostic of phasal-Agree: Insight from Medumba A’-dependencies Hermann Keupdjio (UBC) |
15:10-15:50 |
The locus of variation in A-bar-sensitive agreement Nico Baier (McGill) |
15:50-16:50 |
Invited speaker: A taxonomy of reflexes of successive cyclicity Coppe van Urk (Queen Mary University of London) |
16:50-17:00 |
Thank you and farewell |