Getting to and around Cambridge
General information on travelling to Cambridge is provided by the University here.
Places to eat
List and map of places to eat in Cambridge
Finding accommodation
For planning your stay in Cambridge, we recommend you check the following websites:
Some of these websites also list College rooms which are particularly convenient if centrally located — many of these may be booked out because of Term time.
For possibly cheaper alternatives, e.g. hostels, we recommend the following website.
Be aware that some of the places listed on these websites might be out of walking distance from the conference venue, e.g. Girton and Cherry Hinton. The diameter of the green circle in the picture below indicates a walking distance of roughly 30 minutes.
For more information on how to get around Cambridge, try the official University map: For information on public transport, you can find information on local buses here and consult a bus map here.
The image below shows the main conference venue (St John's College, map).